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Africa’s Internet growth and the future

August 27, 2021 0 Comments

The infographic below shows Internet growth and smartphone penetration in Africa. Most of Africa is still not urban yet and Internet penetration stands at just 40%. Most of the coutries in Africa still have weak Internet infrastructure. Ecommerce and fintech are epected to drive Internet penetration. It is likely to grow at a faster rate than elsewhere in the world. Internet in Africa will raise the possibility of a greater number of profound social, political, and economic changes.

ISPs and governments will need to invest on fiber infrastructure to  accelerated growth in Internet and broadband connections in the developing countries of Africa. Low cost access will be the basis for the success of Internet deployment.

A combination of cost effective hardware and software is required for low cost deployment and Jaze ISP manger provides ISPs a complete ISP management module which helps ISPs to shape traffic efficiently through RADIUS based policies provide better quality of service and browsing experience to subscribers.

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Upcoming Bandwidth demand for Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented reality (AR):

August 20, 2021 0 Comments

The infographic below shows the bandwidth requirements for virtual and augmented reality. Augmented reality(AR) and virtual reality(VR) technologies are expected to become widespread in the coming digital age of consumer electronics with potential applications for creating a wide variety of use cases. AR will serve a broad spectrum of roles in daily life and VR with live games will take the user experience to another level.

VR and AR will push the bandwidth requirements upwards bringing many challenges to the Internet service providers running on legacy technologies. ISPs will require to cater to these demands by providing high capacity symmetrical bandwidth, uniform internet speed with low latency and IPv6 connectivity to provide rich visual content for the VR enabled electronic devices. AR will require upwards of 100Mbps and VR will require upwards of 25Mbps on a contact basis for a smooth experience.

Jaze ISP Manager enables ISPs to customize their Internet offerings according to these new consumer trends and to make the best use of upcoming technology with Integrating IPv6 and best quality of service for broadband customer and to centrally manage end-to-end operations for their business.

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Why free Wi-Fi is important?

August 13, 2021 0 Comments

The infographic below shows the importance of Wi-Fi for Retail businesses like clothing stores, restaurants, hotels, coffee shops and public places like parks, Airlines and others where people like to connect and use public Wi-Fi for Internet access. This free Wi-Fi strategy makes people feel more engaged and helps them stay in the store longer thereby helping shops increase sales.

Also, the free Wi-Fi access provides an opportunity for the retailer to show their brand and promotions on connecting to the Wi-Fi on the landing pages as well as capture mobile number and other details of the user before authenticating them to allow access to the Internet. This allows retailers to collect data and then use it on their marketing campaigns.

Jaze Networks provides Cloud hosted Wi-Fi hotspot management solution to empowers businesses and to provide completely cloud-managed hotspots across distributed locations managed from a single dashboard with configurable workflows. You can engage your customers with captivating advertisements, collect guest data and advertise your offerings.

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4G vs 5G: The key differences between the two generations of Internet explained.

August 6, 2021 0 Comments

The infographic below shows the differences between 4G and 5G Internet. 5G has massive speeds and capacity with low latency and relies on high-band spectrum. One of the most innovative aspects of the 5G is its architecture and it is designed on 5G network slicing, covering certain SLA-specified factors such as connectivity, speed, capacity and security. It is estimated that 40 percent of the global population, or approximately 2.7 billion people will be covered by 5G in the next 3 years.

The rollout 5G technology will be very challenging for all the major telecom giants as involves high capital costs and changing end user handsets to enable support for 5G. But the benefits of the technology outweigh the issues, and the rollout of 5G also signals the dawn of next generation of technology to assist in autonomous vehicles, next-level smart cities and homes, and more.

Internet service providers will need to adapt to use their fiber networks to provide broadbands at low latency and high bandwidth to compete with 5G proliferation. Jaze ISP Management solution enables ISPs to ensure the best quality of service with custom peering policies for broadband customers and to centrally manage end-to-end operations for their business.

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