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Internet users in India to reach 730 million in 2020

November 27, 2019 0 Comments

The infographic below shows the growth of Internet users in India which is expected to reach 730 million by 2020. This surge of Internet users will only be possible when there is growth in rural Internet users as 75% of new user growth is expected from rural areas by 2020. Most of the new Internet users will be accessing the Internet in their local languages. Mobile video content will be increasing in next five years as a result the growth of Smartphones. Online shopping has also increased 3 times when compared to 2015 and is going to reach nearly 200 million online shopping users by 2020. Digital payments are also playing a major role in digital India with more than 70% of ecommerce transactions via mobile phones. 

The surge of Internet users in coming years forces all ISPs to step up their game to focus on providing a consistent and high quality service to their customers and to continue the growth of Internet subscriber base in India.

ISPs need software to manage and monitor their network and have smooth operations. Jaze ISP Manager provides automation of end-to-end operations at scale with customer growth and increasing bandwidth demand.

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2019 & the Future of Telecom

November 21, 2019 0 Comments

The infographic below shows how telecom companies are going to empower the future and the comparison of the current digital trends and upcoming digital trends. On an average there are 3.2 million ISDN networks active in UK. Going forward into the future almost all the voice connections will be VoIP.  Now only a few places deliver 5G internet and in future it is going to be used widely deployed on a large scale and it is going to change the game for the entire telecom and digital industry. The speed of the average Internet is going to increase to around 50Mpbs. By 2025 over half of the businesses will be hosting on cloud. Business broadband capacity is going to increase and FTTP connections can be seen in the near future for fiber delivery.

With the growth in technology in the future, we are on the beginning of a new era with intelligent connectivity. Convergence of high speed 5G networks and IoT will welcome more opportunities for the ISP industry and to cope up with the requirements of the future digital trends, they must focus on network quality with better access to reliable services and better understanding of their customers.

Jaze ISP Management solution enables ISPs to ensure the best quality of service for broadband customers and to centrally manage end-to-end operations for their business with support for IPv6 and IoT for next generation services.

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Half of the world’s population is still offline

November 15, 2019 0 Comments

The infographic below shows that there are 6 billion people without Broadband or Internet connection in the world and most of them belong to rural population and areas which are not developed. 4 billion people without Internet connections and another 2 billion are people without a mobile phone yet and without even digital signal. Countries with advanced economies have 80% of the population using Internet and in developing countries only 40% of the people have Internet access and many people are still not able to afford Internet because of the lower income and also because most people are above the age of 55 and below the age of 11.

Government should recognize the impact of the Internet on the growth of the economy and service providers and device manufacturers should explore the ways of reducing the cost of access and increase the economic prospects delivering Internet to these undeserved areas.

Jaze ISP Manager helps Internet service providers offer end-to-end broadband services to provide streamlined operations and centralized management of network services.

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Affordable Broadband with Affordable devices to increase Rural Broadband penetration!

November 8, 2019 0 Comments

The Infographic below shows that people in the rural areas are yet to be connected to the Internet at home. The reason for not using the Internet is that people in the rural areas are earn less income compared to the people in the urban areas and so they cannot afford the broadband connection to the household. One more main reason is that the population in the rural areas is older and less educated compared to the urban areas and some people still doesn’t have any idea about the Internet.

Internet service providers should conduct awareness activities in collaboration with the government which helps in increasing the investment in the rural broadband connections. Also ISPs should plan to deliver affordable end user devices as well so that people are more interested to have Internet connections rather than thinking of it as an added cost on their budget.

Jaze Networks provides ISP management solutions for Internet Service to manage broadband and leased line connections with Flexible Billing, Helpdesk management and Jaze Cloud Wi-Fi solution empowers businesses to provide completely cloud-managed hotspots across distributed locations managed from a single dashboard.

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A Decade of Smartphone Ownership Growth

November 8, 2019 0 Comments

The infogrphic below shows how smarphone usage has been increased over the past decade. Nearly 80% of the population is using smartphones now and this has increased almost 50% from the past 7 to 8 years ago. Now almost all smartphones are Internet enabled and almost all activities from news to shopping to social media is online today. On an average every smartphone user is using 2GB data per month. The usage of data has been increasing drastically. With this growth, online advertising has became a new way for companies to promote their products beacause people are spending more time on their smartphones than any other electronic devices.

The ISP providers should work towards offering the best Internet services to all users on all devices. Internet penetration on mobile is going to boom over the coming years and ISP providers have an interesting market ahead to cater to this demand with IPv6 support and faster Wi-Fi access on their networks. Also, 5G will become a major technology change in the coming years for the entire industry.

Jaze ISP manager enables Internet service Providers (ISPs) to centrally manage end-to-end operations and scale with customer growth with precise control on bandwidth and QoS with customizable billing options and more for delivering the best possible experience to your Internet subscribers.

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Data & Bandwidth requirements for Popular Internet Applications.

November 8, 2019 0 Comments

The Infographic below shows how much data and bandwidth required to use popular Internet applications like sending Emails, watching videos on social media, playing different games online, creating graphics, web surfing, listening  to music through various online platforms, etc. The average time spent on the watching videos is 8hrs per day followed by gaming and graphics, web browsing, checking emails with an average consumption of around 4Mbps per household.

As Internet data plans, home Wi-Fi, public Wi-Fi hotspots have become more affordable and easily available, access to internet in India will become more widespread in next coming years. Even though 10 Mbps is more than sufficient for Internet browsing and even viewing HD videos, subscribers tend to choose 100Mbps+ plans with unlimited data and ISPs try to cater to the same by offering higher bandwidth plans even though  utilization remains much lower than the data and bandwidth caps.

Jaze ISP management enables Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to scale out and manage growing subscriber bases centrally and provide managed QoS for building highly scalable networks in order to cater to the surging demand for Internet in India.

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Digital traits of current generation

November 8, 2019 0 Comments

The infographic below shows a digital survey of the younger population which clearly shows the new traits of this digital age and how it is going to increase in the coming future with higher demand for Internet and technology inventions. More and more people will be connected to the Internet and will be digital. This infographic talks about various types of electronic devices which we are using to connect to the Internet and new Internet game hobbies developing among young users.

Majority of the people are using both broadband and mobile data on their smart devices and people are also connecting to hotspots in public places. Social media has become a craze for this generation and it is one of the most used apps on the Internet followed by e-commerce.

This development, along with the ever-increasing speeds of internet connectivity, necessitates ISPs to deliver a guaranteed quality of service, with high bandwidth plans and ubiquitous connectivity across multiple sites across fiber and Wi-Fi hotspots.

Jaze ISP Manager enables ISPs to centrally manage subscribers across multiple sites with flexible plan and policy delivery with comprehensive compliance reports.

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Difference between 4G and 5G

November 8, 2019 0 Comments

The fourth generation of data was introduced in early 2010s. 4G made mobile internet speeds up to 500 times faster than 3G and allowed support for HD TV on mobile, high-quality video calls, and fast mobile browsing. This invention led to the fastest growth of Smartphones and tablets. Now 4G has become commonplace throughout the world and next we are looking up to 5G which is smarter and faster than 4G with lower latency, and higher peak data rates with more spectrum to maintain the quality and speed of 5G Internet.

5G rollout would be a super-efficient mobile network, delivering better performance at a lower investment. This would be warmly welcomed by the network operators who are desperate to reduce the cost of data transport at the same rate as the demand for data increases.

With 5G, broadband operators will need to adapt to use their fiber networks for delivery of 5G networks. Jaze ISP Management solution enables ISPs to ensure the best quality of service for broadband customer and to centrally manage end-to-end operations for their business.

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Mobile Broadband penetration

November 8, 2019 0 Comments

The infographic below shows how mobile broadband Internet connections are increasing all over the world. Almost every person in the world is having a mobile device and with every mobile device internet connection is almost a mandatory requirement. Nowadays every home has a broadband connection and has a minimum two mobile devices per household. Japan stands in the first place in mobile broadband penetration where as New Zealand, Switzerland and Iceland stands lower down on the number connections. DSL is the major connection type used for broadband penetration and now DSL is slowly replacing by Fiber connections.

ISPs should ensure their networks scale to cope with increasing demand and integrate with all the new delivery technologies to provide cost effective growth.

Jaze ISP Manager integrates with all leading BRAS routers to shape traffic efficiently through RADIUS based policies to help reduce ISP costs and provide better quality of service and support for IPv6 to drive next generation services.

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The rapid growth of WiFi Driven Age

November 8, 2019 0 Comments

The infographic below shows about how people are addicted to the WiFi. There are 4 billion Wi-Fi devices in use across the world and every home is now converting into a smart home with a broadband connection and a minimum of 5 to 7 connected devices in a home. Around 5 million households have WiFi router in their homes and mobile devices are mostly connected to the WiFi. In coming days these numbers will be increasing rapidly with close to 7 billion connected devices around the world and smart homes may increase up to 25 million. By the end of 2019 there will be 53% of total IP traffic from both mobile and WiFi devices.

All of these provide an opportunity for internet service providers to customize their internet offerings according to these new consumer trends to ensure the best quality of WiFi network to users.

Jaze Networks enables ISPs to manage and deploy hotspots on their network to allow seamless movement from broadband to WiFi hotspots using the same credentials.

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Comprehensive ISP management software solution to automate & manage your entire ISP business without any hassle.

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